Employee Training

Continuous learning at Mukta GroupData security and protecting online privacy is a difficult and ongoing problem for many businesses. In many instances data is stolen not from a company's network, but from an employee's laptop or smart phone that was not properly secured. At Mukta Group we strive to educate your employees on online security practices in both their personal and professional lives to help them avoid being a casualty of phishing attacks, viruses and malware.

Mukta Group is committed to protecting your data. Our employee training program is part of our multi-layered approach to network security that serves to protect your network infrastructure and data from malicious attacks. Speak with a Data Security specialist to schedule employee training for your company today.

Dual Benefit

When you invest in the education of your employees, it not only increases their knowledge of security, but it also significantly benefits your business. Small security measures, when executed properly, have been proven to have dramatic effects on the overall protection of your sensitive information, the security of your network systems, and the overall welfare of your company.

Blocking Hackers, Viruses and Malware

Worldwide Web Traffic IconEven with anti-virus software and firewalls, your laptops, computers, and smart phones are still vulnerable to attack. The instructors at Mukta Group will teach your employees how to make sure their networking devices are protected and running securely.

Firewall Maintenance

Protected Firewall IconSophisticated and malicious malware programs can get past firewalls in a number of ways and take over devices. At Mukta Group, we will show your employees how to make sure their firewall keeps out intruders and teach your staff how to protect themselves from phishing attacks and other rogue programs.

Proper Security Controls

Secured Folder IconMost individuals fail to understand how to set proper security controls for their network devices. That's why it is important to train your employees how to verify their security settings and adjust them for their web browsers and applications on their devices.