Data Storage and Archiving

Cloud storage imageThe world of computing has become increasingly dependent upon data that can be accessed at a moment's notice. Government agencies, public utilities, and businesses of all sizes have a vested interest in making sure that not only is their data secured, but also easily available when requested. Businesses can no longer rely on simply backing up their data on a single remote server. A hardware problem, power failure, or any number of issues can cause catastrophic damage to the server making access to archival data impossible. Even a temporary server issue can have severe consequences to a business's ability to recall information in a timely manner and therefore could negatively impact the company's bottom line.

Mukta Group's cloud-based system provides both mid-sized and small businesses with a unique and affordable solution that ensures all data is backed up, secured, and stored across multiple servers. This level of redundancy protects the integrity of your data with additional layers of best practice security management to help prevent data loss. This way if there is a problem with one server, your data is still safe and available on another remote server.

Data Mining

There is a common phrase that states that "knowledge is power." However, we have found that many businesses are ignoring their most important data causing them to miss out on critical information that can be used to their benefit. Our system enables businesses to use data mining as a complete business intelligence system that provides analysis on the information and knowledge that is commonly overlooked.

With our data mining tools, you can easily create analytical reports to quickly sift through years of historical data to spot trends and look for cost savings. Similarly, you can easily discover potential profits such as comparing shipping costs across multiple vendors or analyzing sales figures among various products and services. Having access to this kind of business intelligence in a secured data warehouse gives your business a distinct competitive advantage that can significantly improve your bottom line.