Virus and Malware Protection

Secured network imageWith so many businesses relying on the Internet to run their business these days, busy owners and executives need to be aware that their existing anti-virus and firewall programs may not be strong enough to protect their network and systems against the more sophisticated intruders. Believe it or not, your systems and network are under constant threat 24/7 from an ever increasing trend of malicious viruses and malware programs that are bent on doing as much damage as possible.

Although the majority of viruses are relatively easy to catch, there are a growing number malware and viruses that are clever enough to bypass basic anti-virus software programs and break through firewalls to hide inside your network and any device attached to the network. It's these types of malicious programs that CIOs and IT personnel are most worried about.

At Mukta Group, we employ the best in the data security industry and continuously improve our security systems to combat the most complex threats. We utilize a combination of proprietary system protection tools as well as real-time human monitoring to make sure your network systems are as secure as they can possibly be.

Data Protection

Many of your employees use laptops and personal computing devices that connect to several different networks outside of your control everyday. In addition, your business may do their banking online, use other online E-commerce services, or have shared databases through a cloud service. All of these instances can create a gap that allows a virus/malware program to slip through without your knowledge and cause considerable damage to your business.

To protect the integrity of your network and systems, Mukta Group's proprietary anti-virus and firewall protection is an industrial-grade service that is consistently updated to vigilantly spot and eliminate even the most advanced viruses and malware that can wreak havoc on your systems. Since we focus on protecting your network infrastructure, you will be able to better manage your data security and trust that your systems are virtually impenetrable.